Koh Kong (Khmer: ខេត្តកោះកុង; „Kong Island“) is a province (khaet) of Cambodia. The name means „Kŏng Island Province“. Its capital is Khemarak Phoumin. The province was called Patchanta Khiri Khet …
KOH KONG Celý článekKoh Kong (Khmer: ខេត្តកោះកុង; „Kong Island“) is a province (khaet) of Cambodia. The name means „Kŏng Island Province“. Its capital is Khemarak Phoumin. The province was called Patchanta Khiri Khet …
KOH KONG Celý článekKratié or Kraches (Khmer: ក្រចេះ , „Powder Cosmetic“) is a province (khaet) of Cambodia located in the northeast. It borders Stung Treng to the north, Mondulkiri to the east, Kampong …
KRATIE Celý článekMondulkiri, officially Mondul Kiri (Khmer: មណ្ឌលគិរី, , „Mountain of Mandala“), is a province (khaet) of Cambodia. Bordering the provinces of Kratié to the west, Stung Treng to the northwest, Ratanakiri …
MONDULKIRI Celý článekOddar Meanchey (Khmer: ឧត្ដរមានជ័យ ; „Victorious North“) is a province (khaet) of Cambodia located in the remote northwest. It borders the provinces of Banteay Meanchey to the west, Siem Reap …
ODDAR MEANCHEY Celý článekPailin (Khmer: ប៉ៃលិន, Khmer pronunciation: [pai lɨn]) is a province (khaet) in western Cambodia at the northern edge of the Cardamom Mountains near the border of Thailand. This province is …
PAILIN Celý článek